Doctor L in StarWaxMag #13 - summer 2010

Doctor L feature article in StarWax magazine (France, summer 2010) Artisan-bâtisseur d'un hip hop Français qu'il a fui dès les prémices de la variétisation, Liam Farrell, producteur, musicien, réalisateur, vidéaste et bidouilleur est si actif que l'on pourrait faire fonctionner toute l'industrie...

Kiala - Motherless Child / Sorrow, Tears and Blood

From Lagos' blazing smoky clubs to the Seine's piers, through New York and Los Angeles, persistent memories remain. A founding member of the band Ghetto Blaster (1984-2006) and Fela's loyal partner...

Franck Biyong & Massak - Realms Of Atlantis (COLI018) out july 27th 2010

Franck Biyong & Massak - Realms Of Atlantis (Limited CD/Download) Colored-Inc. COLI017, 2010-07-27 Pursuing their productive collaboration with the Colored-Inc. label, this is yet another release...

Kactus Hunters - Silver Clowd (COLI015) out august 11th 2010

Kactus Hunters - Silver Clowd (Limited CD/Download) Colored-Inc. COLI015, 2010-08-11 The two scientists of post-psychedelic progressive rock of the 21st century are back with a second album, nearly a...

The best of 2005

Blackalicious - The Craft (-Anti) Circulus - The Lick On The Tip Of An Envelope Yet To be Sent (Rise Above) David Last - Push Pull (The Agriculture) Edan - Beauty And The Beat (Lewis) El Michels...

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